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TRUE ITALIAN TASTE - Webinar on Italian Gelato (ICE CREAM) | 6 PM Onwards

We are delighted to invite you to the third free awareness program of the series DISCOVER ITALY THROUGH ITS CULINARY TRADITIONS, organized by the IICCI and ALMA - The International School of Italian Cuisine as part of the project True Italian Taste. 

The program will be focusing on Italian GELATO (ICE CREAM). Thanks to an approachability that easily deceives its inherent complexity and legacy, Gelato playfully crusades Made in Italy around the world with an appeal that seems to have no boundaries.

With a strong focus on simplicity and gelato’s undeniable Italian character, the module is aimed at providing the necessary notions to better understand and recognize real Italian gelato in all its forms and declination’s.

By recounting the history and variety behind “La Gelateria Italiana”,  a journey into these wonderful and enticing products will showcase their regional variations and ingredients, explaining why they are so easy to love and hard to identify.

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